Telegram is getting its last update before 2023. This update comes with new changes to how media can be displayed – or hidden. This update offers media with spoiler effects, new ways to save space on your device, new drawing tools, suggested profile pictures, and more.
With this hidden message feature, you can cover photos and videos with a shimmering layer that blurs the image. To check the content you just have to tap on it.
With Zero Storage Usage, you can remove media and documents from your phone’s storage and re-download them from your Telegram cloud at any time. You can also add separate auto-remove settings for cached media from Private Chats, Groups, and Channels – with exceptions for specific chats.
With the help of new pie charts, you can check what is taking the storage of your device. There’s also dedicated tabs for Media, Files, and Music. You can check out the new options in Settings > Data and Storage > Storage Usage.
In addition, the new drawing tools dynamically change width based on drawing speed and automatically smooth the lines. There is a new blur tool to redact sensitive data and 5 high-precision ways to choose colors, including the Eyedropper tool.
When adding text to photos or videos, you can now change its size, font, and background. Without a Telegram Premium subscription, you can add a custom animated emoji to text images that are available for all users. To quickly add shapes like rectangles, circles, arrows, stars, and chat bubbles, tap the “+” button. You can also hold the surface to fill the canvas with color – or to erase everything. Telegram will further improve the media editor interfaces and their performance in future updates.
You can now choose a picture for your contact, which will be visible to you only. You can also suggest the profile picture to your contact. It will take them just two taps to add it to their profile. You can also add a public picture for everyone. You can now set the profile picture privacy: go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Profile Photo.
If you have a telegram group with 100+ members, you can now choose to hide the member list. This update also added smooth new animations and new Animated emojis.