League of Legends released two non-set patches that bring most debuffs in TFT, such as multiple instances of an Armor Shred, the strongest debuff will have priority for its duration.
Last week, League of Legends released an 11.6 update with minor nudges to maintain a balanced game state, also the update comes with a number of targeting nerfs or buffs on a specific position, so some of the changes will be skewed towards that.
Now, a well-known tipster Mark Yetter revealed the information about the upcoming update of League of Legends 11.7 patch notes. There are a number of targeting nerfs or buffs on a specific position, so some of the changes will be skewed towards that.
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The developer will add more rules to Guinsoo’s Rageblade and provides clarification for its synergy with Senna. They are also helping Muramana out of its identity crisis with Essence Reaver by giving it more of a niche. So sharpen your stingers, buzz onto the Rift, and make a beeline down mid.
What’s new in the 11.7 Patch:
System Nerfs
- Essence Reaver
- Lord Dominik’s Regards
- Everforst
Item Buffs
- Serylda’s Grudge
- Trinity Force
System Adjustments
- Turbo Chemtank (less speed > more other stuff)
Champion Nerfs
- Udyr
- Hecarim
- Ivern (Dasiy bugfix added a lot of power)
- Rell
- Thresh
- Alistar
- Kai’sa
- Tristana
Champion Buffs
- Kindred
- Yorick
- Braum
- Yasuo
- Morde
- Lissandra
- Ashe
- Varus
- Amummu