
Microsoft adding new Reading Progress feature to Microsoft Teams

According to the latest information, Microsoft announced a new reading progress facility for teams. In particular, it enrolls the student while reading. It gives a word rating per minute and has an accuracy rating.

It is also intertwined in academic insights. This means that teachers are able to see the data and insights around students and how they read. In addition, it makes suggestions for the teacher.

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Microsoft has stated several other education-focused features that are going to teams. One is a group assignment, a concept that anyone can understand for a school. But now, you can do it in Microsoft teams. Teachers organize students into groups and allow them to collaborate.

Additionally, teachers can use third-party applications to assign assignments to the team. Microsoft says it inspires in-depth learning. New calendar connections are on their way, so students can see when assignments are made from their lol calendar.

All of these features have a timeline similar to the reading progress, which is in August. Microsoft has also declared some updates for Minecraft Education Edition. It now merges with teams.

You can add quizzes from the form and a topic from the flip grid. There is also Minecraft for camps and clubs. It’s like this, so camps, clubs, and other companies can buy licenses for the Minecraft: Education Edition starting this summer.

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