Gboard Android Voice Typing feature

Google Keyboard working to make Voice Typing more seamless

Google is continuously working to offer its users a more optimized experience as compared to before and the new pill-shaped Assistant voice typing toolbar for Pixel Tablet is one of its testament. Meanwhile, a recent input suggests that Google Keyboard is now also preparing to make Voice Typing more seamless.

According to the information, Google has released a new 13.8 beta update for the Keyboard, which brings a new seamless voice typing capability. After enabling this feature, voice typing will start automatically when the keyboard is shown. It means this will ditch the current process of using voice typing by tapping on the mic.

It’s also worth noting that, Assistant voice typing remains exclusive to Google phones, while, Seamless voice typing could work with the non-Pixel speech-to-text that’s available to all Android devices. Accordingly, this new feature is currently under testing and there is no information available about its wider rollout as of now.

Google keyboard seamless Voice Typing


Google Keyboard working to make Voice Typing more seamless

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