Samsung slidable patent

New Samsung Slidable patent reveals easier way to use phone with one hand

In a world where smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives, the need for enhanced usability has never been more important. Recognizing this, Samsung has recently unveiled a groundbreaking slidable patent that offers a more convenient way to operate their phones with just one hand.

The latest Samsung patent application describes a unique slidable smartphone that can take touch inputs from the back. With this new innovation, the company wants to offer users an enhanced mobile experience as it will allow interaction with devices in a new and convenient way. It means we can see a better option than the foldable phone.

The patent outlined five gestures

  • Tap – Execute function
  • Tap and drag – Move the object
  • Double tap and long press – Select the object
  • Double tap and press, and drag – Scroll the screen
  • Double tap – Enter into the first mode


Samsung slidable patent


New Samsung Slidable patent reveals easier way to use phone with one hand

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