
Apple announces $430 billion investment in technology development in the United States

Apple has announced plans to invest $ 430 billion in promising technologies in the United States. Investments will be directed to fast-growing promising areas, including 5G technologies, chip design, and generation of electricity from renewable sources.

The new plan follows the company’s 2018 pledge to spend $ 350 billion in the United States over five years. The company recalled that today it is the largest taxpayer in the United States. Of the $ 430 billion, “tens of billions” will be spent in nine US states to fund the development of chips and 5G.

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Demand in these areas is expected to grow in the near and long term due to the introduction of 5G support in iPhones and the move of Apple personal computers to proprietary Arm architecture processors.

The company plans to create 20,000 jobs in the United States by 2023, a commitment made in 2018. Apple’s current announcement adds another 20,000 jobs to be created in America over the next five years.

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