
Tesla latest update improves online routing in China

With the latest 2023.26 version update, Tesla improves segments such as online routing, voice recognition, smarter voice commands, and much more. In addition, Tesla is also changing the game with a revamped voice command feature that seamlessly understands the context of a user’s request without the prerequisite of specific command words.

This means that uttering a destination name will automatically initiate navigation to that destination, instead of having to say ‘Navigate to…’ The vehicle will also be able to understand what you’re saying based on previous commands.

With context-based voice commands, Tesla greatly improved their voice command system, although it still lags behind a true voice assistant such as Siri or Google Assistant.

Tesla is known for introducing new features in limited regions before rolling them out more widely. This is hopefully one of those cases, and we’ll soon see these improvements rolled out in other parts of the world as well.

Tesla online routing China

Tesla latest update improves online routing in China

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