
Inspur group rank first in all-flash storage in China

Inspur Group quoted IDC data and issued a statement saying that Inspur Storage increased by 119% year-on-year in this quarter, the growth rate of China’s first, of which the growth rate of all-flash storage was as high as 145%, and the market size ranked first in China.

Moreover, IDC announced the second quarter of the 2021 China enterprise storage market tracking report. The report shows that the global storage market continued to grow in the second quarter, with a total market size of 44.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.7%; China’s storage market size was 9.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 33.3%.

From the product dimension of the second-quarter report, the global total flash storage accounted for 39%, a year-on-year increase of 7.6% compared with the world, China’s total flash market showed a significant growth trend, with a growth rate of 49%. Chinese manufacturers represented by Inspur Information continue to increase investment in high-end full flash products to meet the rigid needs of new data center construction. In this quarter, the scale of Inspur full flash storage market surpassed Dell and H3C and entered the top two in China.

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From an industry perspective, finance, government, and communications account for over 60% of the market share of all-flash storage systems. At the same time, manufacturing, medical, energy, and transportation industries continue to increase flash storage purchases.

Based on extreme technological innovation and a stable global supply chain, Inspur Storage has joined industry users and partners to build a scene community, which is the key to core industry users such as four national banks, two operators, one network, and two barrels of oil, and Chongqing Medical Insurance Bureau. Data provides support and has become a major supplier in core industries such as finance, communications, and energy.

Furthermore, China’s storage market will continue to grow steadily. The compound growth rate in the next five years will reach 12.6%, and the scale will reach 62.4 billion yuan in 2025. Among them, all-flash storage will maintain a year-on-year growth rate of approximately 30% in the next two years.

Besides, the market share has gradually increased, becoming the growth engine of China’s storage market. Inspur Group stated that Inspur Storage will continue to increase investment in the field of all-flash storage and release the value of data production factors to accelerate digital transformation.

In addition, in the “China Semi-annual Accelerated Computing Market (First Half of 2021) Tracking” report recently released by IDC, Inspur AI server continues to rank first in China’s market share.

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