OnePlus responded exploded Nord 2T

OnePlus responded to exploded Nord 2T device story

OnePlus has finally responded to the exploded device stories, especially the Nord 2T that have covered online social media so far. The company mainly commented on the explosion of the OnePlus Nord 2T and said that the company concerns about its users and apologizes for the mistake.

To those who are unaware, a OnePlus Nord 2T user named Vipul recently reported that his phone exploded without being damaged. And the shocking point is, the incident took place with a new model that was purchased a few days ago.

Although the more shocking point is, the technicians reacted to this scenario normally and said that the phone owner is himself responsible for the explosion and there is no fault of the company.

Thereafter, mainly social media teams and tech observers trolled the company, which eventually caught the attention of the OnePlus support team. The tech giant finally responded to the OnePlus Nord 2T user and apologized for the exploded incident and other mistakes.

“Hello there! We are deeply concerned to hear about this incident and apologize for any inconvenience caused. We take the safety of our customers very seriously. Please share the support reference number and the registered contact number via DM for further assistance.”

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We hope that the company will try to keep a better look on its devices and will implement better hardware products, so that this incident may not take place in the future.

OnePlus responded exploded Nord 2T


OnePlus responded to exploded Nord 2T device story

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