Apple iOS 17 open beta

Apple iOS 17 open beta is live with exciting features

Apple has amazed its users by rolling out the iOS 17 open beta for public testers. This is the first part of the major upgrade that is reaching general consumers. Meanwhile, the company will release the stable software build in late August or early September this year.

According to the information, Apple is releasing iOS 17 open beta with the 21A5277j version. On the flip side, the update holds a huge software package of 6.35GB. Make sure to have sufficient room in your handset to download and store the latest firmware. Alongside iOS, iPadOS 17 is running in the open beta stage.

Notably, the tech giant pushes off the public beta version after the developer beta builds gained success. Hence, the new firmware is less risky. Still, we will suggest backup important files beforehand to avoid any kind of data loss.

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In terms of features, iOS 17 public beta will knock on your handset with all those tweaks that appear in the developing stage. And who knows, we could find some more ultimate changes on the other side.

Apple iOS 17 open beta

Apple iOS 17 open beta is live with exciting features

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