Google Search site names update

New Google Search app update enhances ‘site names’ feature

Google is releasing a new update for the Search application to enhance the site names feature. Eventually, the manufacturer is bringing more language support on subdomains for all devices. Alongside, the tech giant added useful improvements to how the site names system works and selections.

To those who are unaware, When Google lists a page in search results, it shows the name of the site, where the respective page belongs. This is known as the site name. In the latest update, Google has added support for the site names feature with subdomains to more languages in the Search app.

As of now, the functionality will show up in English, French, German, as well as Japanese. In addition, the company has now updated the documentation to encourage more use of the alternate name property. Often a preferred site name isn’t available for use. At that time, an alternative name allows the system to consider other options.

The tech giant further mentions that it is aware of the issue where a site name shown for a home page may not have propagated to appear for other pages on that site. On the matter, the Android developer said the following words:

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“We’re actively working to address this. We will update the documentation when this issue is resolved. In the meantime, if your home page is showing the site name you prefer, understand that it should also appear for your internal pages eventually.”

Google Search site names update

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New Google Search app update enhances ‘site names’ feature

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