
OxygenOS 13.1 Features: What’s new in Android 13 based OnePlus software?

OxygenOS 13.1 Features

OxygenOS 13.1 is a new addition to the OxygenOS universe, aside from its features, OnePlus has focused on two segments of this software – speed, and gaming.

As a major version, OxygenOS 13 installed a lot of new functionalities for OnePlus devices. Also, the Android 13 in the core is powerful enough to provide you with a rich user experience.

But OxygenOS 13.1 is a different approach and it’s a sensible software upgrade. So, be assured that there are no major changes in the user interface or overhauls added to this software.

OxygenOS 13.1 Features:

OxygenOS has always been a winner in app management, the company has championed background task management. Therefore, OxygenOS 13.1 focuses on providing you with super fast interactions at your fingertip. However, the simplicity of this new software lies in the following aspects:

  • Power Efficiency
  • Fast app downloads
  • App optimizations
  • Task execution

Power Efficiency:

OxygenOS 13.1 offers lower power consumption, which is good news for OnePlus phone owners. These kinds of upgrades are important to the mobile but the battery backup in the real scenario may vary depending on the battery capacity.

Since all of the phone’s power consumption is related to user interaction, OnePlus has made some internal app optimizations that will get you improved power efficiency with OxygenOS 13.1.

Fast App Downloads:

The new OxygenOS speeds up the app download and installation. So you can access a rapid app installation from the Play Store.

App Optimizations:

Optimizations for mobile apps are essential for optimum performance and OxygenOS 13.1 enhances the way you interact with installed apps. These app optimizations could result in fast launch speed and retaining them in the background for a long time.

Task execution:

With this software, OnePlus has optimized the system animations and keeps the screen synchronized with each touch on the screen. This will be visible when you send an app to the task manager. OxygenOS 13.1 not only reduces launching app services but also boosts the system’s capability to kill an app from the background. Also, fast app jumps will also be at your service.

OnePlus OxygenOS 13


This next half of OxygenOS 13.1 features is solely devoted to mobile gamers because there are some new capabilities, they would love to explore.

However, it also optimizes Gaming suit from OxygenOS 13 including Quick Start, Gaming tools, and Focus Mode.

Improved GPA Frame Stabilizer:

General Performance Adapter (GPA) Frame Stabilizer aims to reduce frame rate fluctuation during gameplay. It works to ensure that, if frame rate drops do occur, they do so gradually rather than quickly and dramatically.

OxygenOS 13.1 gaming

That’s it guys, these are all of the new features of OxygenOS 13.1.

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